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In the Cold War there were plenty of events in the USA and the URSS that made history but in this Blog we'll see the American reactions in this conflict.
First of all we'll see the cration o9f the American comunist party. This party was created in the early XX century but, it's appearing in the Cold War (between 1948 and 1990) aproximately, was of the "victims" in the USA. This party was persecuted since 1948 with the excuse that they were buying weapons to make a revolution. This persecutions and politics as the Mcarthyism reduced the number of members of this pary to 10.000, while in the 30´s they had more than 80.000 members. During the rest of the Cold War it continued reducing it's members and votes in elections. And finally in 1988 the comkunist party was transformed in the Democratic party.
In South America the Cold War also repercuted, with the creation of comunist parties. And also with the Cuban revolution, the years that followed the revolution the tension between Cuba and USA was growing, so Cuba asked for help to the USSR. The USSR sended missiles to Cuba, in that way Cuba could have a defense against the power of USA. This was considered a crisis, so it's considered one of the plenty conflicts of the cold war, and one of the few near American territory.